📄️ Tank Drive / Skid Steer (Part 1)
* GM0's Overview of the Tank Drivetrain - Explains terminology, provides vizualizations, goes over the pros and cons. Must Read!
📄️ Mecanum Drive (Part 1)
GM0's Mecanum Drive Tutorial - Detailed tutorial containing explanations regarding the math and logic behind mecanum drive code along with sample opmodes. Must read before proceeding!*
📄️ Turrets
* Localization
📄️ Linear Slides
* FTC Team PIEaters Linear Slide Tutorial
📄️ Kicker
A kicker is a commonly used feeding mechanism that transports objects through a robot. This is typically accomplished by making a fast servo oscillate between two positions rapidly.
📄️ Active Intake / Sweepers
* GM0's page on active intake - - terminology/what is a sweeper
📄️ Flywheels / Shooters
A flywheel is typically known as a wheel attached to a motor, that spins to complete some sort of task. Here are some potential use cases from previous games: